interior design

anarchitectural and interior design firm creating high qualityof designed environment. Our mission is to provide theperfect solution tailored to the needs with high considerationof aesthetic and practicality.

Broaden our experiences by lessons from the past aswell as continuous researching and developing inmaterial combinations and advance technologies, ourdesigns emerge from thoughtful fabrication of allaspects, creating effectively support their specific spacesand functions.

We also have strong direction to reach highest level ofsustainability, minimizing wastes, providing users themost comfort with least energy consumes.

“Every project is our best project”. As architects whohave key roles orchestrating among transdisciplines, thetoughest task is not to design but to make all documentsbecome reality. With various challenges, for examplebudget and schedule, the project that will be “success”doesn’t need only experience from the team but alsostrong “passion” to carry it through the completion.That’s why we are here.

The dining room is made up of a large wood dining table with three yellow pendant lights adding a pop of colour to the space. From this angle you can also see a glimpse of the shared outdoor living room and the old house through another set of sliding glass doors.

Before heading upstairs, here’s a glimpse of the foyer that sits just inside the front door, that has built-in storage drawers for hiding shoes.

The stairs that lead up to the second level of the home are a combination of concrete and wood. The concrete steps continue on to create a display space for a floating cabinet, while the the wood stairs are slightly sculptural in their design. When heading upstairs, you are also able to look down on the dining area and kitchen.


タイの現代住宅と聞くと、どんな感じの家を想像されるだろうか。熱帯のイメージからすれば開口を大きくとったオープンな箱型のものが浮かんでくるかもしれないが、今回紹介する住宅を見れば、日本の住宅と変わらないと思うだろう。もともと日本の住宅も「夏を旨としてつくることが良い」という意味のことが徒然草には書かれているくらいだから、似ていても不思議はない。 この住宅は、タイの首都バンコクの郊外、バンナー地区にあり、スワンナプーム空港にもアクセスしやすい、バンナートラット通りにある。新高架鉄道の駅があり、イケアのようなテナントを含む巨大なショッピングモールも人気で、今後ますますの発展が予想される人気のエリアにある。施主は若い夫婦で、土地を買い、建築家に設計を依頼するほどトレンドに敏感な富裕層。夫婦が求めるデザインの趣向もはっきりしており、センスの良い家を望んでいた。

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